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Announcements 3-5-17

Welcome New Members

Craig and Mary Nichols, and son Antonio Callaway live at 1626 E Apache Tr, Granbury, 76048. Their phone numbers are 804-586-0364 (Craig), 804-481-6346 (Mary).


Baby Shower

For Laura Hoyler Melson, daughter of Donna Jackson, on Sunday, March 12, from 2:00 – 3:30pm at the home of Mickey Allen, 2107 Boca Vista Dr. Laura and Ryan are expecting a boy and are registered at Babies R Us and Target.

For Ty and Allie Reynolds on Saturday April 1, from 2:00 – 4:00pm in the Parlor. They are registered at Babies R Us and Target.



All Sunday adult classes will meet for a combined class in the Worship Center on Sunday, March 5.


First Sunday Welcome Lunch – The Neighbors, Encouragers, and Journey/Ambassadors classes invite visitors and new members who have placed membership since March 2016 to be their guests for lunch in the Dining Hall of the Fellowship Center on Sunday, March 5, immediately following the 10:15 worship service.


Larry’s Diner – Wednesday, March 8, 5:00-6:15pm, in the Fellowship Center. The White Plate Special includes Roast, Potatoes, Carrots, Salad Bar, Dessert and Drink for $5. Kid-friendly menu is also available for $1 per item.


Foster’s Home Need – If you would like to help send Foster’s Home middle school students on a trip of a lifetime to Washington D.C., you can give your donation to the church office (clearly designated for the Foster’s Home D.C. trip, with checks payable to Granbury Church of Christ) by Sunday, March 12.


Foster’s Home Workday – March 14 - Meet at the church building at 8:15am, travel to Foster’s Home and work for the houseparents cooking, etc. Bring a sack lunch. The van will return around 2:30pm. If you plan to go help this month, please call Glenda Fry at 817-573-3244.


The Christian Service Center is no longer accepting donations of clothing, furniture, household items, etc.


Free Service Provided – John Knox and Rachel Rouse are offering free counseling services as a part of their degree and licensing programs. If you know someone who could benefit from counseling, contact John at  or the church office (817-573-2613), or Rachel at 806-438-8919.



Game and Potluck Day – Each Thursday beginning at noon in the Parlor. Bring a sack lunch and your favorite game and join us for a fun afternoon.



Pickleball- Margaret Friday, Jan 17 @ 11:30 AM
Blake Marion GAA Basketball Practice Friday, Jan 17 @ 5:30 PM
Baby Shower- Kaitlyn & Cody Reynolds Saturday, Jan 18 - All Day
LTC Practices Sunday, Jan 19 @ 1:00 PM

Address: 1905 W Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048
Phone: 817-573-2613
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