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The Christian Service Center Ministry Continues to Grow!
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I’ve been told that men are not wired to multi-task.  I dare to differ with such a conclusion, but there could be a grain of truth it.... In 2006, we had a “land use brainstorming session” one Sunday evening after worship services.  It was a memorable evening that ultimately culminated in the construction of the Christian Service Center adjacent to the church parking lot.



As soon as the service center was completed, we moved Jonna Eccles from her position as church receptionist to the new facility to coordinate volunteers and serve members of the Granbury community seeking assistance. We also moved our licensed professional counselor, Harold Durham, to that location.  Harold would direct the service center and provide counseling services. 



The ministry at the service center has grown in substantial ways since 2009.  New ministries have been added.  Existing ministries are serving more people every year. There are dozens of volunteers serving over there every week.  And the needs continue to pour in. Jonna has continued to juggle all of the volunteer needs along with the benevolent concerns of community members.  Harold’s counseling load is always full.



About this multi-tasking business….I think those of us in the male gender should take some time to express appreciation to our multi-tasking female counterparts this week.  And…It would be good for all of us to take a minute to express our gratitude to Jonna for a job well done.  And yes…it’s “ok” to include Harold as well.  We think he is a keeper! 


Address: 1905 W Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048
Phone: 817-573-2613
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