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It's Not JUST About Banana Pudding!
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Last Tuesday marked the third week of the first responder lunch hosted by the Wednesday morning ladies class.  It’s been a learning experience.  We all learned that homemade banana pudding is quite popular among our guests.  The serving bowl was taken to one of the tables to make sure there was no hint of waste. 



The ladies are learning  a few things about police culture.  I invited the patrol officers, because it can be difficult for them to get a meal break.   But police officers view themselves as part of one big family.  So the investigators, constables, and administrators  come to lunch as well.  Perhaps there is a learning curve there?  In the church, do we perceive ourselves as part of one big family?



Secondly, the ladies are dicovering  that some of the patrol deputies  are not able to sit down for a meal and enjoy it. We sendto-go-boxes to the sheriff’s office. The call load simply does not always allow for a break.  Dispatchers answering 911 calls and sending units all of over the county cannot leave an out to lunch sign on the door of the communications center.  The ladies  kindly send them to-go-boxes.



And finally, one of my predications has proven to be true.  And I am not sure the ladies see it just yet.  But I do… The hospitality, kindness, friendly demeanor, and servant spirit has made more of an impact than banana pudding or tender roast or amazing Mexican food.   People’s hearts are being touched by obvious salt and light.  And I am overwhelmingly grateful.  Our officers and medics are exposed to constant darkness. They are bombarded with evil everyday…. But on Tuesday’s at noon, there is salt and light.   Thank you ladies! It is not JUST about banana pudding, but you can make it anytime you like! 


Address: 1905 W Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048
Phone: 817-573-2613
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