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Granbury Middle School Mentors Needed

GMS Mentors Needed!

The beginning of the school year brings with it more opportunities to serve in our community. Granbury Middle School has already approached me asking if we can provide mentors for their students who need a positive role model in their life. Many of you have served as mentors for the last couple of years, and you are still needed. But we will also need additional mentors to meet the needs of the growing number of children.

Dr. Kent Brantly, in his book entitled “Called for Life,” says that fear sometimes prevents us from loving our neighbors and showing compassion. I believe that fear is a tool of Satan rather than God. The Bible teaches us in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” Some folks have told me that they would like to mentor but they lack the confidence to volunteer. I urge you to put your fears aside and make a difference in a child’s life. Mentoring requires only 40 minutes of your time one day a week. God can use that time to make an impact on a child for eternity.

Feel free to contact me with any questions about this program. More information and school counselor contacts will be provided soon.

Billy Martin 




Carter Blood Care Sunday, Feb 16 @ 8:00 AM
LTC Practices Sunday, Feb 16 @ 1:00 PM
Dustin Gist Sunday, Feb 16 @ 1:00 PM
Life Groups Sunday, Feb 16 @ 6:00 PM

Address: 1905 W Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048
Phone: 817-573-2613
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