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The success of any group or organization, including the church, largely depends on good leadership. Lalo and Jamie Rocha, our mission partners in Mexico City, have recognized that truth, so several years ago, they established a full-time internship to train leaders for their mission in one of the largest cities in the world.
Those selected to be interns leave their secular jobs to train full-time in ministry for two years. The program consists of a structured, academic study of God’s Word online through Texas International Bible Institute (TIBI) and a time of supervised, practical ministry in the community. Currently, there are five interns in the program. After graduation, some plan to continue in full-time ministry, planting new churches and discipling believers in Mexico City, while others will re-enter the work force to provide for their families while serving the church as leaders and expanding the kingdom “as they go” through everyday life.
As a church, we help support this program financially through our Harvest Mission funds. For more information on this innovative program, contact the GCOC missions committee.
Please pray for this ministry, that the light of Christ may continue to shine brightly to those living in darkness in Mexico City.
Jan Knox