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That the World May Believe

2017 harvest sunday that the world may believe


When facing imminent death, people tend to gravitate to what is most important to them – their relationships and the things they want to impress upon those they love. Jesus was no exception. In John 17, we are given a personal glimpse into the very heart and mind of the Son of God as He prays during the final hours of His life on earth.


Jesus prays for the glory of His relationship with the Father and for the protection and sanctification of His disciples. Then His focus turns toward the future, to those of us who will believe in Him through their message. He prays for our unity – with Him and with one another – “so that the world may believe” He’s been sent by God and will come to know His love (vs. 20-23).


One way we can live out the fulfillment of that prayer is to unite with Christians who are planting the seed of God’s Word in the hearts of people around the world. The Granbury Church of Christ has chosen to do that through our partnerships with mission families in places like Mexico, Brazil, Cambodia, and Greece. We view these partners in the gospel as a valued extension of our church family.


Sunday during the morning worship service, Fidel Quesada, the current chairman of the Missions Committee, will give us a brief overview of the mission efforts we support. This mission work is funded through a single annual contribution of gifts and commitments called Harvest Sunday, and this year it is scheduled for November 12. Over the next few weeks, please consider what you can give “that the world may believe.”

Jan Knox




Pickleball- Margaret Friday, Jan 17 @ 11:30 AM
Blake Marion GAA Basketball Practice Friday, Jan 17 @ 5:30 PM
Baby Shower- Kaitlyn & Cody Reynolds Saturday, Jan 18 - All Day
LTC Practices Sunday, Jan 19 @ 1:00 PM

Address: 1905 W Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048
Phone: 817-573-2613
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