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Reaching New Heights in Mexico



I’m pressing on the upward way, 

New heights I’m gaining every day; 

Still praying as I onward bound,

“Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”


The lyrics of this familiar hymn came to mind as I read the latest report from Javier Adame, our missionary in Chihuahua, Mexico. As you will see, these words have a double meaning in describing the physical and spiritual progress that is being made in the new church Javier is planting in the Jardines de la Mancha neighborhood of Chihuahua.


Construction of the new church building has advanced with the completion of the staircase leading to the second floor. Now that the steps are in place, the church will be able to literally move up to the next level in utilizing the entire space of their facility.


The congregation is reaching new heights spiritually as well by hosting special events and incorporating new resources and teaching methods. Lou Seckler, another one of our mission partners, recently conducted an area-wide meeting at the Jardines de la Mancha congregation on the topic of “How to Improve Your Family.” His message, and the fellowship that followed, were a true blessing for those who participated. Granbury Church of Christ has provided Spanish copies of Lou’s latest book, Faith in Action, for distribution to Christians in the region. The book is being used in sermons, Bible classes, and home Bible studies, with great results. Javier has also begun compiling and furnishing material which further explains and applies the lessons that are being taught each week in the congregation. This material has helped the members to continue their study of the Scriptures at home. Several have commented on how much they have grown spiritually through this process.


We are thankful for all that God is doing in Chihuahua. Let’s pray for continued growth as the Lord leads His people there to higher ground.

Jan Knox




Life Groups Sunday, Dec 8 @ 6:00 PM
Pickleball-Margaret Monday, Dec 9 @ 11:00 AM
TAFB Delivery Monday, Dec 9 @ 1:00 PM
Food Pantry Monday, Dec 9 @ 1:00 PM

Address: 1905 W Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048
Phone: 817-573-2613
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