Granbury Church of Christ    
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One Sunday Morning Worship Service

Since we have just returned to our newly renovated worship center, we want to have time to enjoy worship together. The singing is great, and it is sure nice to be able to find most everybody in one place on Sunday morning. So, the Elders have decided that we will remain in one service for the foreseeable future. Service times will remain the same with hospitality at 8:30am, Bible class at 9:00am and Worship at 10:15am.

We have about 640 seats in the worship center now. Church growth experts tell us that filling 80% of the seats consistently is about all that can be expected, even of regular members. That’s 512, and we have averaged a little more than that this summer. Attendance usually goes up as school starts back up and folks return from summer vacations. Over the coming months, we will monitor the quality of the service and the fellowship, as well as attendance, particularly visitor attendance, as we continue to evaluate plans for the future. We will also be monitoring Bible class attendance, which was very good during our years with two services.

We appreciate the input we received and realize that even though most of you prefer one service, it is not universal. Many enjoy an early service, and some are concerned that one service makes it more difficult for us to grow. Members who arrive later don’t want to create attention and are less likely to come if they have trouble finding a convenient seat. Visitors are even less comfortable trying to find a seat when there are only a few seats here and there.

So, we need your help. To the extent it is practical for you and your family, please sit nearer the front, and yes, even on the front row. Leave the aisle seats for those that need them and for visitors. We are recommissioning the ushers and ask you to assist them in spotting open seats and moving to combine groups of seats for latecomers and visitors.

We will also be adding video capabilities in Room 5 in the NW corner as an overflow room (Encouragers and Sunday night classroom). When needed, we may ask some regular members to join us there to make room for visitors in the worship center.

Please continue to provide us feedback. We appreciate your enthusiasm for the remodeled worship center. Let’s use it for the Glory of God, whatever form that may take.
                                                                                                                                                           Mike Blevins
                                                                                                                                                           For the Elders




Pickleball-Margaret Monday, Jan 13 @ 11:00 AM
TAFB Delivery Monday, Jan 13 @ 1:00 PM
Food Pantry Monday, Jan 13 @ 1:00 PM
Elders Meeting Monday, Jan 13 @ 5:30 PM

Address: 1905 W Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048
Phone: 817-573-2613
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