Granbury Church of Christ    
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Leadership Training for Christ



You open your Sunday handout and notice a practice schedule for LTC. You hear young students read scripture during the Sunday worship services as a part of LTC. If you’re new to our church, you may be wondering, “What is LTC?”


LTC stands for Leadership Training for Christ. It is a program designed to teach and encourage skills in leadership, Bible knowledge, and Christian service in third through twelfth grade students. This is accomplished through participation in a variety of individual and group events, including Bible Bowl, Bible Reading, Christian Art, Drama, Chorus, Puppets, Signing for the Deaf, and several other activities.


Since its origin, LTC has used an annual convention as the opportunity for young people to demonstrate the skills they have practiced or to exhibit the projects they have prepared. For several years now, the GCOC youth have participated in the DFW Hyatt Regency convention location. This year the convention dates are April 14-15, and the theme is Make Him Known, focusing on the book of Acts.


In the upcoming weeks, as you see our students working to develop these skills, take a moment to encourage them in their efforts. Your word of affirmation might give them the extra bit of confidence and perseverance they need to succeed.

Jan Knox




Pickleball-Margaret Monday, Jan 13 @ 11:00 AM
TAFB Delivery Monday, Jan 13 @ 1:00 PM
Food Pantry Monday, Jan 13 @ 1:00 PM
Elders Meeting Monday, Jan 13 @ 5:30 PM

Address: 1905 W Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048
Phone: 817-573-2613
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