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Marriage Roadshow

The Marriage Roadshow, with Richard and JeannaLynn May, is only a week and a half away! This faith-based, interactive event can help you be more intentional in making your marriage the best it can be. Wherever you are in your marriage journey, you will learn information that can enhance your relationship.

The event will take place April 16-19 at Granbury Church of Christ with sessions each day, Saturday through Tuesday (see schedule below). Even if you can’t attend every session, come for what you can. The event is free and open to everyone, so invite your friends and neighbors from the community. Our Children's Ministry Team can provide childcare for kids age 5 through 5th grade, but space is limited. If possible, we recommend you utilize a friend or family to watch your kids during these sessions. If that is not possible, we have free activities planned for the children who come.


Sunday, the 17th, will be a special day with Richard speaking at a combined adult class at 9:30am in the Worship Center and one worship service at 10:45am (there will be no 8:15am service). We will share a potluck meal together at noon in the Fellowship Center, followed by an afternoon session at 1:00pm (no evening service).


A special feature of the seminar will be a display of GCOC members’ wedding pictures. Bring your wedding picture this Sunday and drop it off in the designated tub in your Bible class, along with a completed information card (also provided in the classroom). The pictures will be returned to the respective classrooms for pick-up after the seminar.


For more information and to register, CLICK HERE or call the church office (817-573-2613). Please register if you plan to attend so we can make necessary preparations.


April 16  - 6:00 to 9:00pm

Session 1: What to Do When You Married the Wrong Person

Creating a Sacred Legacy and the Prescription for a MADD Marriage

April 17 - 1:00 - 3:30pm

Session 2: "I Can't Love You If You Don't Meet My Needs"

The Failure of Needs-Based Marriage and Identifying the Lightning Bolts in Your Relationship

April 18 - 6:00 - 8:30pm

Session 3: Wine, PB&J, Fruit Salad, and M&Ms

The Heart Smart Diet

April 19 - 6:00 - 8:30pm

Session 4: The Last Chapter

How can you have hope for the future?



Carter Blood Care Sunday, Feb 16 @ 8:00 AM
LTC Practices Sunday, Feb 16 @ 1:00 PM
Dustin Gist Sunday, Feb 16 @ 1:00 PM
Life Groups Sunday, Feb 16 @ 6:00 PM

Address: 1905 W Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048
Phone: 817-573-2613
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