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As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come. Mark 4:29
Sros, Guillermo, Song, Enrique, Titya, Karla, Heang, Martin, Smooth, Vicki, Uriel, Vannal, Liliana, Sunghy, Josefina, Samrith, Agim, Bundara, Ambrose, Sinoun, Angela. What do all of these names have in common? Each one represents a story of harvest, a priceless soul led to Christ by one of our missionaries around the globe. They are not just names on a list of baptisms, but treasured people who are now followers of Christ – forever changed and growing in Him.
What a blessing we have as a church to be able to partner with dedicated men and women who have answered the call of Christ to be “workers in His harvest field” (Matthew 9:38). As we consider that privilege today, may we be inspired and moved to do our part in providing the physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial support they need to continue their work in the Lord. Give whatever gift you can – large or small – to share in the bountiful harvest of souls and help add more names to the eternal book of life (Revelation 3:5).
May God be glorified through our giving today.
Jan Knox