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Let’s help Casa! This past summer Casa de la Esperanza – the children's home we support in Anahuac, Mexico – sent a list of needed items that we as a church can help with. The list includes school supplies (glue sticks, pencils, erasers, and wide rule spiral notebooks) and ongoing needs (twin-size fitted sheets, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, rice, and sugar). The month of October is your chance to help. You can put your donations in the boxes located in the hallways around the Worship Center and in the Fellowship Center, or you can bring them by the church office. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of the children of Mexico. To God be the Glory! s/ Michael Grayson
Larry’s Diner -Wednesday, October 19, 5:00-6:15pm, in the Fellowship Center. The White Plate Special includes Roasted Pork Chops, Scalloped Potatoes, Normandy Blend Veggies, Salad, Rolls, Dessert and Drink for $5. Kid-friendly menu is also available for $1 per item. All profits go toward scholarships to help GCOC youth attend camps and retreats.
Men4God Helping Hands Workday – Saturday, October 22, 8:00am – 1:00pm at 804 W Bluff St. (behind Taco D). Men, this is a call to action. A lady in our community who was widowed a couple of years ago is in need of maintenance and clean-up around her home. This is a great opportunity to serve our community and help someone in need. Michael Grayson will be coordinating our youth to pitch in as well. Refreshments will be made available, and everyone is encouraged to bring a sack lunch.
The following tools are needed: gloves, chainsaws, hedge trimmers, loppers, rakes, etc. A couple of trailers are also needed to haul off brush and trash. Please sign up in Bible class or call Bret Deason (817-247-8187) or Ronnie Roberts (817-219-2300)
All newcomer ladies who have placed membership in the past twelve months are invited to our supper. It will be Thursday, October 27, at 6:30pm at the clubhouse in Waterview, hosted by Jo Lynn Bullock. The committee will provide the food and our new ladies will be our guests. Please come for a fun evening of food and visiting. All ladies invited.
GCOC Youth
Hello Church Family, I am seeking an RV Mobile home for a middle school retreat on Nov. 11-13. The vehicle will be used for the middle school girls and two female chaperones. In total it needs to sleep around 6 -7 people. The event will be located at Joe Pool Lake in Arlington. If you could help, please contact me at the church office or my cell, 817-894-7003. Thank you so much for your willingness to help! God Bless! s/Michael Grayson