Granbury Church of Christ    
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Announcements 12-2-18


First Sunday Welcome Lunch – The Challengers, Bridge-Builders, and Victory classes invite guests and new members who have placed membership since December 2017 to be their guests for lunch in the Dining Hall of the Fellowship Center on Sunday, December 2, immediately following the 10:15 worship service.


Wednesday Night Diner – 5:00-6:15pm, in the Fellowship Center. This week’s menu includes Chicken Express Tenders, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Roll, Salad Bar, Cookie and Drink for $5. Kid-friendly menu is also available for $1. Proceeds go toward scholarships for youth group activities.


Foster’s Home Workday – Tuesday, December 11 – Meet at the church building at 8:15am, travel to Foster’s Home and work for the houseparents cooking, etc. Bring a sack lunch. The van will return around 2:30pm. If you plan to go help this month, call Glenda Fry at 817-573-3244.


All Ladies Invited – Tuesday, December 11, 6:30pm, at the home of Susan Blevins, 601 E. Woodcreek Ct. for the annual Ladies’ Christmas Party. Please bring a finger food to share, and, if you would like, a $10 gift to trade in an exchange. It will be an evening of food, fun, and laughter. Please carpool if you can.


You’re invited to the 90th Birthday Celebration for Jimmie Hughes on Sunday, December 16, 2:00-4:00pm, at the Courtyards of Lake Granbury, 801 Calinco Dr. No gifts, please. RSVP to 817-408-8263 or .


Ray Vander Laan Seminar – February 15-17, 2019 at the Granbury Church of Christ. Cost is $20 per person. Register now at before it fills up!



Game Day – Each Thursday beginning at noon in the Parlor. Bring a sack lunch and your favorite game and join us for a fun afternoon.


Youth Ministry

Parent Meeting – Wednesday, December 5, immediately after class in the Teen Center. For parents of 6th – 12th graders.



Carter Blood Care Sunday, Feb 16 @ 8:00 AM
LTC Practices Sunday, Feb 16 @ 1:00 PM
Dustin Gist Sunday, Feb 16 @ 1:00 PM
Life Groups Sunday, Feb 16 @ 6:00 PM

Address: 1905 W Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048
Phone: 817-573-2613
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