Granbury Church of Christ    
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Announcements 2-18-18


Food Pantry at the Christian Service Center will be closed Monday, February 19.


Ladies’ Newcomer Dinner – Tuesday, February 20, at 6:30pm at the home of Heather Blevins, 1302 M and M Ranch Ct. The dinner is for all ladies who have been members for one year or less. Committee members will furnish the food. Come enjoy an evening of visiting and getting to know one another!


Wednesday Night Diner – 5:00-6:15pm, in the Fellowship Center. This week’s menu includes Chick Fil A Sandwich, Chips, Soup, Salad Bar, Cookie and Drink for $5. Chicken nuggets are available for children for $1. Proceeds go toward scholarships for youth group activities.


Piecemakers Quilting Bee – Monday, February 26, 10:00am to 2:00pm in Room 8 at the church building. We work as a group making quilts for each baby born into the congregation and for each graduating senior at Foster’s Home in Stephenville. If you would like to join us, just come to the Bee, and we’ll put you to work! For more information, contact Betty Curbo (817-573-7535) or Jamie Skelton (817-279-3724).


Foster’s Home Annual Auction – March 2-3. Includes box lots at 6:00pm Friday, and on Saturday an outdoor auction at 9:00am, free BBQ lunch at 11:30am, and live and silent auction at 12:30pm. For more information or to have donations picked up, contact Lacy Barton at or 254-968-2143, ext. 245.


First Sunday Welcome Lunch – The Challengers and Faith-Builders classes invite guests and new members who have placed membership since March 2017 to be their guests for lunch in the Dining Hall of the Fellowship Center on Sunday, March 4, immediately following the 10:15 worship service.


Save the Date! Keith Lancaster will be conducting a Praise and Harmony Workshop April 14-15 at the Brown St. Church of Christ in Waxahachie. For more information, call 972-937-8855.


Free Service Provided – Rachel Rouse is offering free counseling services as a part of her licensing program. If you know someone who could benefit from counseling, contact Rachel at 806-438-8919.



Game and Potluck Day – Each Thursday beginning at noon in the Parlor. Bring a sack lunch and your favorite game and join us for a fun afternoon.



Pickleball- Margaret Friday, Jan 17 @ 11:30 AM
Blake Marion GAA Basketball Practice Friday, Jan 17 @ 5:30 PM
Baby Shower- Kaitlyn & Cody Reynolds Saturday, Jan 18 - All Day
LTC Practices Sunday, Jan 19 @ 1:00 PM

Address: 1905 W Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048
Phone: 817-573-2613
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