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Announcements 5-1-2016

First Sunday Welcome Lunch – The Climbers and Seekers classes invite visitors and new members who have placed membership since May 2015 to be their guests for lunch in the Dining Hall of the Fellowship Center this SUnday, May 1, immediately following the 10:45 worship service.


National Day of Prayer – Thursday, May 5, at the Granbury Resort Conference Center. The theme this year is Wake Up America. The Breakfast will begin with food service at 6:00am, followed by the program, Reach the Hearts of the Next Generation from 6:30am – 7:30am. No reservations are required, and there is no charge for the breakfast. 


Gospel Meeting at the Park Heights Church of Christ in Hamilton on May 1 - 4. Rick Popejoy will be the featured speaker and his theme is “His Blood.” Contact 254-386-3953 or dspoppy for more information.


Foster’s Home Workday – May 10 - Meet at the church building at 8:15am, travel to Foster’s Home and work for the houseparents cooking, etc. No need to bring your lunch; it will be provided by Foster’s Home. The van will return around 2:30pm. If you plan to go this month to help, please call Glenda Fry at 817-573-3244.


Because you have shared in their lives with your friendship and love, you are invited to join in celebrating the 50th Wedding Anniversary for Jerry and Sheila Christian on Saturday, May 14, from 2:00pm-4:00pm at Hostess House, 281 South Street, Lampasas, TX. 76550. Your love is a treasured gift; no other is requested.



Men’s Breakfast Canceled – The men’s breakfast scheduled for May 5 has been canceled due to a conflict with the National Day of Prayer Breakfast that morning. Everyone is encouraged to attend and support this community event. The Men4God breakfast will be rescheduled at a later date.



Game and Potluck Day – Each Thursday beginning at noon in the Parlor. Bring a sack lunch and your favorite game and join us for a fun afternoon.


GCOC Youth

Senior Banquet – Saturday, May 7, 6:00pm-8:00pm in the Fellowship Center. Graduating seniors this year include: Reagan Clarkson, Jasmine Hearst, Carlie Lyman, Dakota Paulo, and Cody Welch.


Summer Camps – For dates, information and to register, go to granbury Early bird deadline is May 15.





Pickleball-Margaret Monday, Jan 13 @ 11:00 AM
TAFB Delivery Monday, Jan 13 @ 1:00 PM
Food Pantry Monday, Jan 13 @ 1:00 PM
Elders Meeting Monday, Jan 13 @ 5:30 PM

Address: 1905 W Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048
Phone: 817-573-2613
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