Granbury Church of Christ    
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Announcements 1-6-17

Sunday Welcome Lunch – The Climbers and Seekers classes invite visitors and new members who have placed membership since January 2016 to be their guests for lunch in the Dining Hall of the Fellowship Centerthis Sunday, January 8, immediately following the 10:15am worship service.


Ladies’ Bible Class Schedule – Class resumes on January 11 at 9:30am, and the class will discuss Week 6, The Helmet of Salvation. On January 18, the class will watch the final video, The Sword of the Spirit. 


 Larry’s Diner – Wednesday, January 11, 5:00-6:15pm, in the Fellowship Center. The White Plate Special includes King Ranch Casserole, Charro Beans, Corn, Dessert and Drink for $5. Kid-friendly menu is also available for $1 per item.


Help is needed to unload a food truck on Monday, January 9, if you are available. The truck usually arrives at the Service Center around 10:00am. Thank You, James Parker


No Foster’s Home Work Day until February 13.


Last chance to turn in your change cans for Foster’s Home. Bring them to the church office by January 15.



To Jeff and Pinkie Jeffries at the birth of their granddaughter, Saya Rose-Hannah Watson. She weighed 8 pounds and was 20 inches. Parents are Christopher and April Watson.


Welcome New Member

Susan Kirkes lives at 201 Shady Grove Dr., 76049. Her telephone number is 469-471-8293. She is retired and moved here from Euless. Susan is the mother of Karen Haggard.




Carter Blood Care Sunday, Feb 16 @ 8:00 AM
LTC Practices Sunday, Feb 16 @ 1:00 PM
Dustin Gist Sunday, Feb 16 @ 1:00 PM
Life Groups Sunday, Feb 16 @ 6:00 PM

Address: 1905 W Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048
Phone: 817-573-2613
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