Granbury Church of Christ    
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Announcements for 5-15-16

Service Opportunity – With the recent rains, Foster’s Home could use a few volunteers to help clean up the grounds by mowing, trimming, and spraying weeds. The home will provide riding mowers, trimmers, and weed spray. If you can help, contact Tammy Asbill at 903-521-6371.


Missing DVDs – The church office is missing several sets of the Ray Vander Laan DVDs. If you have borrowed some and are finished using them, please return them so they can be used in Bible classes this summer.

Volunteers Needed – In order to make the transition of the Worship Assembly to the Gym next Sunday, volunteers are needed this Saturday, May 21, to help move chairs and set up the Gym for Sunday. Please report to the Worship Center at 9:00am on Saturday if you can help. 



Royal Family Kids’ Camp this year is June 12-17. Several key positions are still needed for this year’s camp, including male and female counselors and relief counselors; licensed professional counselors or school counselors; nurses; grandpas, grandmas, aunts and uncles. All of these roles are crucial! Training is Saturday, June 11. For questions, please contact Kylee Peterson at 817-228-9097 or peterson.kylee@ ALL applications are due TODAY. Say YES!


Children’ Ministry

The Children’s Ministry is hosting an End of School Year Swim Party for all children entering Kindergarten in the fall through 5th grade. It will be Friday, May 27, 2016 from 12:00-3:00pm at the home of Mike and Susan Blevins, 601 E Woodcreek Court. Lunch will be provided. For questions, please call or email Tyler Wiggains.


GCOC Youth

Save the date!!! We are going to Mexico the week of July 9-15 to do work projects and love on kids at Casa de la Esperanza. An info meeting for all those interested will be on Wednesday, May 18 immediately after the evening service in the Teen Center. See you there!


Early Bird rate for both Zenith and Cornerstone is due Today! Sign up sheets are on the youth webpage.


Summer Camps – For dates, information and to register, go to www.gran Early bird deadline is May 15.




Pickleball-Margaret Monday, Jan 13 @ 11:00 AM
TAFB Delivery Monday, Jan 13 @ 1:00 PM
Food Pantry Monday, Jan 13 @ 1:00 PM
Elders Meeting Monday, Jan 13 @ 5:30 PM

Address: 1905 W Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048
Phone: 817-573-2613
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