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New Beginnings in Mexico

The phrase “new beginnings” seems to aptly describe recent events at the church in Cuauhtemoc, Mexico which we support with a portion of our annual Harvest Missions contribution. This congregation, led by missionaries Othoniel and Paloma Gutierrez, was recently forced to leave the facility where they were meeting each week for Bible study, worship and other church activities. We received word last week that they were able to find a new and much improved location to meet, considering it a blessing from God. Last week was their first Sunday in the new facility. During that service, they were blessed to witness another new beginning – the baptism of Maria Chavez into Christ, and then on Wednesday, the immersion of Michael Paloma Morales!


Please pray for the Gutierrez family and the church in Cuauhtemoc as they move forward from these new beginnings in God’s kingdom.




Bridge- Builders class Fellowship Sunday, Feb 9 @ 1:00 PM
LTC Practices Sunday, Feb 9 @ 1:00 PM
Life Groups Sunday, Feb 9 @ 6:00 PM
Pickleball-Margaret Monday, Feb 10 @ 11:00 AM

Address: 1905 W Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048
Phone: 817-573-2613
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