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“Summer togetherness” was the phrase used recently to describe our experience of one worship service on Sunday mornings during this season of renovation in our building. That “summer togetherness” will now be expanded to Wednesday nights as well through a new format called Wednesday Summer Praise. Everyone – adults, teens, and children – will meet together each week at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Center for a time of praise and worship. At various times through the summer, several of our members will be sharing personal experiences of faith in their lives. The intent is to enhance intergenerational unity and get to know one another better.
Last summer, Sweet Summer Fellowship was introduced on Wednesday nights and proved to be a great success. This time of refreshments and fellowship following our Wednesday night worship will take place again this year. Please show your support of this effort by volunteering to bring food when the sign-up sheet is passed around in your Sunday morning Bible class.
It’s so easy to become disconnected from one another during the busy summer months, so let’s take advantage of this time of “summer togetherness” to foster unity and help us stay in touch with each other. Hope to see you Wednesday!