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Mark and Ali Kaiser Visit from Itu, Brazil

Mark and Ali Kaiser, two of our missionaries from Itu Brazil, will be in Granbury the week of January 10th.  They will be with us in services, and look forward to visiting during the Special Luncheons on the 10th and the 17th. 


The Kaisers invite you to be their guests for a Brazilian meal on Wednesday evening January 13th, from 5:00pm to 6:00pm in theDInning Room of the Fellowship Center.  Come and enjoy a tasty meal, and get to know the Kaisers personally.



Pickleball- Margaret Friday, Jan 17 @ 11:30 AM
Blake Marion GAA Basketball Practice Friday, Jan 17 @ 5:30 PM
Baby Shower- Kaitlyn & Cody Reynolds Saturday, Jan 18 - All Day
LTC Practices Sunday, Jan 19 @ 1:00 PM

Address: 1905 W Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048
Phone: 817-573-2613
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