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God Opens Doors in Mexico

The sound of a metal door opening and then clanging shut reverberates throughout the building. It has a ring of finality and hopelessness to it – another criminal being locked away to suffer the consequences of his offenses. But to a group of about 40 inmates in this prison in Cuauhtemoc, Mexico, this sound on a Monday has an entirely different meaning. It indicates that Othoniel Gutierrez, a local minister for the Church of Christ, is here to share words of hope and new life.


God is opening doors – literally and figuratively – through the prison ministry of GCOC’s mission partner in this city of northern Mexico. In the past two years, 45 prisoners have been baptized into Christ. Othoniel describes it this way: “Behind these walls that are very high and thick, you will find a church very strong and free spiritually. Not even these walls so high can deter the work of God.”


The Lord is also opening doors through Othoniel’s weekly radio ministry entitled, “Mi Gran Familia” (My Great Family), which addresses family issues. Since the program’s inception about a year ago, Othoniel has consistently received opportunities to share his faith with listeners, and nine people have responded by putting on Christ in baptism.


You can share in Extending the Kingdom by giving on Harvest Sunday, November 8, and by praying for Othoniel and his work. He makes the following request taken from Colossians 4:3 – “We continue to request your prayer for us that our Savior continues to open doors for the preaching of the gospel.” Let’s honor his request, both today and throughout the coming year.

Jan Knox




Pickleball- Margaret Friday, Jan 17 @ 11:30 AM
Blake Marion GAA Basketball Practice Friday, Jan 17 @ 5:30 PM
Baby Shower- Kaitlyn & Cody Reynolds Saturday, Jan 18 - All Day
LTC Practices Sunday, Jan 19 @ 1:00 PM

Address: 1905 W Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048
Phone: 817-573-2613
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